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Hardie Planks: The Importance and Proper Caring

Hardie Planks: The Importance and Proper Caring

If you’re looking for an additional curb appeal, a durable and reliable sheathing for your homes; you might consider the use of hardie planks. Nowadays, most American and Canadian homes use this siding. Basically, they were made of fiber cement board and a good alternative for bricks and vinyl sidings. For more information regarding the product you can check James Hardie.

The hardi planks were painted by SoPro Solid Color Professional Finish (5800)

Is painting necessary for this kind of siding?

To protect the life of hardie planks like any home exterior and add curb appeal as well; you can paint them of course. For our clients we recommend Siding Re-nu(General Paint) and Mason’s Select Paint.

We like both products but James Hardie accept the warranty provided by Mason Select Paint. Usually the Hardi Plank boards came primed and the manufacturers recommend one more coat after being installed but home-builders and renovators in general just leave it as it is to save money.

We recommend that you ask the homebuilder for a second coat after installation because during the installation process siding get damaged (paint chipped,scuffed or scratched).

The Preparation

Here’s a quick guide for you on the painting process:

1. Using a garden hose with a nozzle spray you need to clean the siding. Remember that there’s an overlapping for each plank so you need to thoroughly reach for the covered parts so that dust and dirt will be washed away. Wait for the exterior to dry before doing the next step.

2. Loose paints should be scraped-off; using a putty knife and a wire brush get rid of the loose and flaking paints. Sanding is also necessary to totally smooth the edges and dust the surface using a dust brush.

3. All joints and holes need to be filled with caulk with the aid of a caulking gun loaded with a tube of exterior caulk. Let it dry for a day or so.

4. Using our recommended and preferred paints you can now paint the sidings according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You can use mini roller in the paint application.

Actually, hardie plank sidings have long life and retain paint longer since it does not dry out or crack. You just need to have the proper installation and a good paint application. So if you ever need one that is experienced and well-qualified as your provider in exterior painting in Calgary area; CALL US NOW!