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Do’s and Don’ts in Painting Garage Doors

Do’s and Don’ts in Painting Garage Doors

Do you have a garage or are you planning to have one in the near future?  What do you think is the best color for the door?

Having a garage is a wonderful idea and as a matter of fact it can enhance your curb appeal and the home value as well. Did you know that one of the biggest mistakes homeowners do is using color that attracts a lot of focus to the garage doors? The truth is we need to downplay the appearance of the garage door, let it blend with the whole house exterior.

Garage door that blends well with the home exterior made of bricks

Here are some of our Do’s and Don’ts in painting  garage doors:

1. Do paint the garage doors the same color with the house and not the trim color or white (except when your house color is white) if you wish to keep them from being bold. This will also help your home look bigger.

2. Don’t paint the garage doors the same with the accent color of your front door or shutters. If you do then too much attention will be drawn to your garage door so the facade of your home will be chop- up.

3. Don’t emphasize the details of a typical garage door by applying more than one color. However, there are historic or special doors that painting more than one color is applicable but for the standard garage doors this is not ideal.

For homes that are made of bricks, find a color that will match the color of the brick. In this way, you will put balance with the garage and the rest of the home. Most importantly, proper coordination of colors will give you a great curb appeal.

If you need professional help in painting your garage doors you can ask the experts from exterior painters in Airdrie. Don’t hesitate to call us at 403-708-3043.