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Ardivan Around the City

Ardivan Around the City

We got 3 service vans and they’re roaming around the city!

Yes, the blue and white vans of Ardivan are out in the area of Calgary and Airdrie. We are very grateful for having our service vans; aside from free advertising, our main goal is to provide efficient service to our clients.  Having a service van is cost-effective and convenient for the team. It is spacious and can carry all the necessary materials for a certain job site.

As one of the reliable and qualified exterior painting contractors in Airdrie and Calgary, we want our service to be exceptional and professional. If you happen to spot our service vans in your place that only means that we are providing exterior painting services in one of the homes in your area.

Having a service van is really important?

Of course; it is of great advantage and importance having them as part of our daily routine. We have different service orders from different parts of Alberta so it is essential that we carry our painting tools and transport them all at once. Ordinary vehicle can’t accommodate some of our bigger tools and one thing to keep in mind – closed vans are ideal to keep our painting materials intact and in good condition.

We started our business 15 years ago; one of the factors for our successful existence is innovation. We are doing our best to improve our techniques in order to continuously provide excellent services to our clients that are in need of exterior painters in Calgary.